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July 2023 Content Ideas

Hello July! How are we halfway through the year already?!

As always, with a fresh new month comes the need for fresh new content for your marketing campaigns, digital communications and social media channels… and if you’re looking for some inspiration when it comes to content ideas for July 2023, then you’re in the right place!

We’ve summarised some key events, themes and ideas for your aesthetics, beauty, medical and / or wellness business below… with hashtags and other suggestions to get your creative juices flowing. Thank us later – and be sure to follow our Instagram, for more content ideas and marketing tips!

July 2023 Overview:

July is full of awareness events surrounding different fruits, drinks, vegan lifestyles and some holistic topics. It could be an opportunity to talk wellness, health and about certain ingredients roles in how they impact / benefit our skin.

July is…

  • Sarcoma Awareness Month #SarcomaAwarenessMonth
  • If you’re a nutritionist, July is home to plenty of food / fruit months too. July is Peach Month, July Belongs to Blueberries Month, National Hemp Month, National Horseradish Month & National Baked Bean Month.
  • Peach Month, July Belongs To Blueberries Month – an opportunity to talk about the health benefits of these fruits – how does eating them benefit our health, bodies and skin? What roles do they play in skincare etc? #NationalPeachMonth #NationalBlueberryMonth
  • National Hemp Month is another topical one – Hemp & CBD are huge in the skincare and wellness sectors right now… what benefits to our health & skin does Hemp have? Where can you find hemp within our skincare products, and why is CBD in so much skincare now? #NationalHempMonth

July Awareness Days:

  • July 3rd – National Stay Out Of The Sun Day – A great opportunity to talk about sun safety, skin cancer, SPF & the impact sun damage has on our skin #StayOutOfTheSunDay #NationalStayOutOfTheSunDay
  • July 3rd – National Compliment Your Mirror Day – We love this initiative – a body positive, self-love infused movement. #ComplimentYourMirrorDay encourages us to compliment the reflection we see looking back at us from the mirror; encouraging us to take a minute to each appreciate our individual, unique beauty
  • July 4th – Jackfruit Day – If you’re a nutritionist or dietician, this might be an interesting topic for you! Jackfruit contains a lot of protein, and mimics the taste of meat. It’s a great, environmentally friendly substitute for meat in our diets – is it healthy? How does it benefit our health? #JackfruitDay
  • On a similar note, July 4th is also Independence from Meat Day – another opportunity to talk about vegetarian / vegan diets and healthy diets #IndependenceFromMeatDay
  • And keeping on the healthy diet / nutrition / healthier skin from within vibe, July 21st is #NationalJunkFoodDay – with July 3rd being National Eat Your Beans Day #NationalEatYourBeansDay #EatYourBeansDay
  • July 5th – National Bikini Day – A great opportunity to talk about treatments to get us bikini ready – and to help us love, embrace and feel confident in our skin. Every body is a bikini body! But with tweaks such as laser hair removal, fat dissolving, EMSculpt muscle toning etc; we can feel like the best versions of ourselves this Summer #NationalBikiniDay
  • July 6th – International Kissing Day – This #InternationalKissingDay #KissingDay, why not talk about treatments, products, ingredients and other hacks to achieve healthy, soft, plump & kissable lips? Maybe share some of your favourite lip filler transformation pics
  • Similarly – July 8th – International Skinny Dipping Day #InternationalSkinnyDipDay, and July 14th is National Nude Day #NationalNudeDay
  • July 9th – National Dimples Day – What are dimples? What causes them? What are your thoughts on thread treatments some clinics offer to artificially create these facial features? On the flip side, how can we treat and reduce the appearance of dimples on the body – such as on the butt cheeks, or other dips? Would you recommend these tweakments? #NationalDimplesDay
  • July 10th – National Pina Colada Day – An opportunity to talk about the negative effects of alcohol on the skin #NationalPinaColadaDay. July is home to other alcohol related days you could also use to talk about this topic – such as #NationalMojitoDay on the 11th July, #NationalDaiquiriDay on 19th July, #NationalTequilaDay on 24th July, #NationalScotchDay on 27th July,
  • July 10th – Chronic Disease Day – Raise awareness, educate and advocate for long term health conditions that affect those around us every day #ChronicDiseaseDay
  • July 15th – National Give Something Away Day – a fun day to launch a giveaway to reward & engage your followers, to kickstart a charity fundraiser or to perhaps impart / ‘give away’ some top insider knowledge to offer value to your followers at home #GiveSomethingAwayDay
  • July 16th – National Cherry Day – How do cherries benefit our health and our skin – are they used in skincare? If so, why – what benefits do they have for our skin? #NationalCherryDay
  • July 16th – Fresh Spinach Day – How does Spinach benefit our health, our bones and our skin – is it used in skincare? If so, why – what benefits does it have for our skin? #FreshSpinachDay
  • July 17th – National Tattoo Day – A great opportunity to talk about tattoos… namely, tattoos your patients have outgrown or wish to remove using laser treatments offered in your clinic! What treatments are there out there? Do they hurt? How do they work, and how quickly will you see results? #NationalTattooDay
  • July 19th – International Retainer Day – a great one for dentists! A day to talk about the importance and role of committing to wear a retainer, in order to keep a perfect smile #InternationalRetainerDay
  • July 20th – Get to Know Your Customers Day – A chance to learn more about your followers and patients… ask them questions, conduct surveys, answer their questions via a Q&A etc #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
  • Similarly, World Listening Day takes place on the 18th July – another opportunity to ‘listen’ to feedback, ideas or questions your customers may have
  • July 22nd – National Mango Day – How do mangos benefit our health and our skin – are they used in skincare? If so, why – what benefits do they have for our skin? #NationalMangoDay
  • July 23rd – Gorgeous Grandma Day – Aesthetic tweakments and skincare are helping us look younger for longer! Women of all ages are beautiful – but we don’t often talk about tweakments designed for / to benefit older women. Today is a great opportunity to change that! #GorgeousGrandmaDay
  • July 24th – International Self Care Day – A great opportunity to talk about the importance of self care, taking care of your mental health and general wellbeing topics. You could talk about your favourite self-care practices, your top self-care tweakments / facials, self-care skincare picks, self-love etc #InternationalSelfCareDay
  • July 28th – World Hepatitis Day #WorldHepatitisDay (the week of July 28th is also Hepatitis Awareness Week)
  • July 28th – World Conservation Day – if you post about sustainability, being eco-friendly and looking after our planet, this is another great opportunity to talk more on these issues… and how your clinic is reducing its carbon footprint etc #WorldConservationDay
  • July 29th – National Lipstick Day – A great opportunity to talk about lip products you may sell in clinic – and lip products / treatments to prep the lips & make them look their best before applying lippy #NationalLipstickDay
  • July 30th – International Day of Friendship – #InternationalDayOfFriendship
  • July 31st – National Avocado Day – Avocados are one superfood that continues to surge in popularity year-on-year! How do avocados benefit our health and our skin – are they used in skincare? If so, why – what benefits do they have for our skin? #NationalAvocadoDay

July Weeks:

  • Everybody Deserves a Massage Week, 10th-16th July – Do you offer lymphatic massages in your clinic? This awareness week is a great chance to talk about lymphatic massage, and other massages you might offer (even possibly linking this to talking about massaging filler post-treatment – or implants post surgery. Should we do this?) You could also talk about the health benefits of massages and self-care – reducing headaches, stress etc #EverybodyDeservesAMassage
  • Great British Pea Week, 3rd-9th July – How do peas benefit our health and our skin – are they used in skincare? If so, why – what benefits do they have for our skin? #GreatBritishPeaWeek

Did you find this post helpful? Will you be using any of these ideas in your content strategy for July?