Breaking news – BBLs under the spotlight
You may have seen popular BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) procedures in the news this week – for positive reasons, this time! Leading UK plastic surgeons have released new guidelines to make BBLs safer; with our client Dr Omar Tillo, Plastic Surgeon & Medical Director of Creo Clinic, being one of the main driving forces behind the updated safety measures.
The full article containing the guidelines everyone’s talking about (titled ‘BAAPS Gluteal Fat Grafting Safety Review – and Recommendations‘) written by Omar Tillo MD, MS EBOPRAS FRCS(Plast), Reza Nassab MBA FRCS(Plast) and Marc Pacifico MD FRCS(Plast), can be found here.
Click here to get exclusive comment from Dr Omar Tillo regarding the procedure, his guidelines or anything else BBL / surgery related. Dr Tillo is available for interviews, TV appearances, written expert comment & more
BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) procedures, as with all surgical treatments, come with risks. But with this procedure being a relatively new one (with recent surges in popularity due to people wanting to achieve a bigger butt & an ‘Instagram model’ physique) there has unfortunately been a number of complications and fatalities from the procedure; with people flocking abroad for cheaper surgeries without realising the risks of the procedure.
The new guidelines from The British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) detail a number of safety recommendations to make the procedure safer. One of the guidelines in their research for example, is that the injection of fat into the butt cheeks shouldn’t be too deep; to avoid future complications & dangerous clots (which can cause pulmonary embolism.)
Cosmetic PR are big advocates of safety in surgical and non-surgical procedures – and we’re proud to represent one of the amazing pioneers behind this game-changing, life-saving set of guidelines; Dr Omar Tillo.